Are You Damaging Your Teeth Without Knowing It?

Are You Damaging Your Teeth Without Knowing It?For many, the fact that we brush our teeth (and hopefully floss) daily takes enough time. We don’t think much about the everyday activities we may be doing to damage those pearly whites. In fact, there are many habits that affect your smile and overall oral health in a negative way. If any of the following sounds like behaviors you can relate to, you could be doing a number on your teeth without even realizing it.

What You Could Be Doing To Damage Your Teeth

  • Chomping on Ice
    It can be oh-so-gratifying to crunch cool ice cubes, but chewing on ice chips can crack your teeth. And if this happens the pulp or nerve inside your tooth is affected, making you more prone to an abscess or tooth infection. Soft tissue insider your tooth can also become irritated, causing regular toothaches. It may be tempting but refrain from chewing on ice to save your teeth in the long run.
  • Eating popcorn
    Similar to ice cubes, popcorn (especially the un-popped kernels) can put you at risk for a cracked or chipped tooth. What’s more, popcorn particles can become lodged between your teeth and form bacteria. If you do eat popcorn, it’s best to floss afterward to remove any food particles right away. And as a rule, flossing, in general, is crucial to maintaining a healthy smile.
  • Oral piercings
    People with mouth piercings tend to play with the piercing, which can cause irritation or damage to existing crowns. What’s more, mouth piercings can cause your gums to recede, which can result in bone loss.
  • Teeth as Tools
    Think twice before you rip into that bag of chips or bite off that bottle cap. You could be doing serious damage to the structure and strength of your teeth. When you use your teeth as a tool, you’re putting yourself at greater risk for chipped, fractured or cracked teeth. Use the right tool for the right job (scissors, a bottle opener and the like) to save your teeth from unnecessary damage.
  • Skipping the mouth guard
    A mouth guard is imperative if you play sports like football, hockey or lacrosse. You’ll need to wear one that fits your mouth properly to help protect against tooth damage. Talk to your dentist about the mouth guard that’s right for you.

Schedule A Consultation

To learn more about keeping your teeth damage-free, we welcome the opportunity to meet with you. To schedule an appointment, please contact Scott T. LeSueur, DDS & Charles A Dodaro, DDS online or by calling our Mesa office at (480) 834-6991 today. We serve Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, and all surrounding Arizona communities.

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Drs of Smiles

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