Painless Dental Problems in Mesa and Phoenix, AZ

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Most dental problems don’t cause pain at first. Only the inner part of a tooth contains nerves while the rest has no feeling whatsoever. By visiting our dentists to have your tooth properly cared for before decay reaches the nerve you can save yourself time, money, further dental damage, and of course, pain.

Where Is A Tooth’s Nerve?

Nerves are in the tooth’s pulp which is deep in the center, in the pulp chamber. The pulp consists of blood vessels and connective tissue as well as nerves. This chamber extends through the tooth’s roots to the tip of the tooth in the jawbone. Here, the blood vessels enter the tooth from the body’s general circulatory system, and the nerves enter it from the body’s nervous system. When decay reaches the pulp, it’s a good thing that we can feel it, because now the tooth’s life is in danger, and so is our general health. The infection created by the bacteria and their toxins can spread into the circulatory system and cause problems elsewhere in the body.

This chamber running down the tooth’s root is called the root canal. When decay has destroyed the nerve and other tissues in this canal, a root canal procedure (endodontic therapy) is required. The only other choice is to extract the tooth.

Many dental problems can start out painless, including:

  • Fractures and cracks
  • Chips
  • Cavities
  • Loosening fillings or crowns

When cracks and fractures expose the tooth’s nerve, they can be extremely painful. When they are more superficial you don’t notice them. But even if you feel no pain, the crack is allowing particles and bacteria to get inside your tooth, causing decay. Why allow decay to progress to the point where you need a root canal or lose your tooth?

It can be a simple and painless procedure to repair a cracked tooth promptly. You can preserve the tooth and avoid future pain and dental bills.

Amalgam fillings expand and contract when they come into contact with hot and cold foods and beverages. Often this will crack a tooth, and you can go for years with your tooth rotting away painlessly beneath the filling. But when that decay reaches the tooth’s nerve, you’ll suddenly feel it, and by then, a lot of unnecessary damage has been done.

A good way to help yourself avoid fractures or cracks in your teeth is to have your old metal fillings replaced by white composite fillings or porcelain inlays or onlays.

Dental issues begin with your oral hygiene routine. Every dentist will recommend that patients brush their teeth twice daily and floss at least once daily. If a great oral routine is not in place, bacteria, plaque, and leftover food can lead to the development of tooth decay in the mouth. Using high-quality toothpaste and mouthwash can also help you optimize your oral health. If your oral routine is not kept up, dental problems, such as tooth decay, gum disease, and periodontitis, will quickly develop. 

The key to stopping tooth decay is recognizing it in its early stages. Early signs of tooth decay and other dental problems are a great indicator that you may need to visit your dentist for treatment. If you notice any of the following, you may have tooth decay:

  • Bad breath
  • Dark spots (cavities) on your tooth
  • Bleeding gums
  • Mouth sores
  • Increased tooth sensitivity
  • Toothaches
  • Gum recession

The earlier you can identify tooth decay, the sooner you can treat it. This will prevent the dental problem from worsening and leading to the need for more serious dental treatments such as tooth extractions or dental implants.

The tricky thing about tooth decay is that it may not always cause pain that can be felt. However, with certain conditions such as gum disease, you may notice that your gums bleed or that your teeth appear elongated due to gum recession. With cavities, it can be easy to feel toothaches. However, because many dental problems can go unnoticed, it’s important to visit your dentist regularly for check-ups, just in case a dental problem is present and you just can’t feel it.

A root canal is a dental treatment that eliminates the infection, bacteria, and decay of a contaminated tooth. It also will protect the tooth from future infections for optimal oral health.

When a deep cavity affects the health of a tooth, or if a tooth is damaged due to injury or genetics, a root canal may be needed. These teeth are often more sensitive and prone to the development of dental issues, which is why they need a root canal.

You may need a root canal if you experience the following symptoms on any of your teeth:

  • Pain while chewing or biting
  • Chips or cracks in teeth
  • High tooth sensitivity
  • Swollen gums
  • Darkened gums
  • Toothache or tooth pain

Yes. While fractures and cracks in the teeth can cause severe pain for most patients, there are instances where tooth fractures may not be felt at all. While this sounds concerning, it is not untreatable. Treatment for a cracked tooth will depend on where the fracture is and its severity. In other cases, tooth cracks can be common in adults. Cracks, known as craze lines, are shallow and often cause no pain. Cracks like these are typically not a danger to your oral health. Visit our team at Drs of Smiles right away if you experience a tooth fracture due to injury.

While it can be difficult to prevent cracks in teeth, avoiding the following habits completely can help prevent tooth fractures and other injuries to your mouth:

  • Avoid chewing hard objects such as ice
  • Do not clench or grind your teeth, or seek the proper dental treatment to prevent tooth grinding.
  • Wear a mouthguard when participating in high physical activity such as sports.

Even if you feel no pain in your mouth, we recommend patients visit their routine at least every six months for a routine dental check-up. This checkup will determine the overall condition of your oral health and identify any dental problems that may need immediate treatment. Regular dental visits will help keep your oral health in great condition.

Schedule Your Dental Appointment In Mesa, AZ

If you have chipped or fractured your tooth, or think you might be at risk of developing one or more cavities, contact our office today at 480.834.6991 to schedule your appointment. Even if you have yet to feel any pain, it could be vital to your overall health that your concerns are addressed right away.

Dr. Glenn LeSueur and Dr. Charles Dodaro are Mesa dentists, serving Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Gilbert, Chandler, and other East Valley Cities in Arizona, combine LVI training and state-of-the-art technology to bring you, and your entire family, the very best and healthiest cosmetic and neuromuscular dental care.

Visit our before and after gallery to see the results we are able to achieve for our patients. Please contact or call 480.834.6991 to schedule a consultation at Drs of Smiles.

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