6 Mistakes You Make When Brushing Your Teeth

Dental Hygiene & Teeth Cleaning Mesa, AZ | PhoenixBrushing your teeth seems rather straightforward. All you need to do is put toothpaste on your toothbrush then brush away, right? That’s true, but there are some important tips you should know about to make sure you are giving your teeth (and gums) what they need. Here are some toothbrushing mistkaes you might be making:

You are using the wrong toothbrush

There are countless colors and types of toothbrushes at your local supermarket. To make sure you are choosing the right one for you, remember these two things: size and softness. The toothbrush head needs to fit the size of your mouth. If you have a small mouth but opt for a larger toothbrush, you won’t be able to maneuver your brush into all of those crevices between your teeth. Next, select a brush with soft bristles. The bristles need to be flexible so they can reach around the gum line.

You brush too hard

Plaque is soft and you can remove it with a light sweeping motion of your toothbrush. For some reason, many of use brush our teeth like we’re trying to clean the grout in the bathroom tile. To fix this, think of toothbrushing as lightly massaging your gums and teeth as opposed to a pushing motion.

You brush too fast

Dentists recommend that you brush twice a day for 2 minutes. If you wake up late for work or are always exhausted by the end of the day, this can be hard to manage. To help, set a timer (or use the timer on your phone) for 2 minutes. Better yet, find a favorite song that is two minutes to help you get through the full time.

You won’t throw your toothbrush away

If your toothbrush looks discolored, bent, or dirty, it’s time to throw it away. A heavily used and old toothbrush won’t work correctly and isn’t doing you much good.

Arrange a consultation

If you have questions about how to improve your smile this New Year, call Drs of Smiles today. Our office in Mesa, Arizona can be reached at 480-834-6991. We look forward to answering your questions and helping you toward better dental health.

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