Brushing Your Teeth the Right Way

Brushing Your Teeth the Right WayBrushing your teeth is second nature. And, for many of us, the faster and harder we brush equates to cleaner teeth, right? Not necessarily. You may be surprised to learn that many people (perhaps yourself included) have been brushing the wrong way for years. Make sure you’re brushing your teeth the right way with the following guidelines:

Use the Right Brush

A soft-bristled toothbrush is the safest and most comfortable type of brush. If you use a toothbrush with medium or hard bristles, you run the risk of damaging your gums, root surface and tooth enamel, especially if you’re a vigorous brusher.

Change Your Toothbrush Regularly

The general timeline for replacing your toothbrush is every three months. Inspect your toothbrush regularly. When the bristles begin to splay, or if they feel soft, it’s time for a new one.

Avoid the Sawing Motion

Brushing your teeth in a back-and-forth motion can actually be harmful to your teeth and gums, stripping essential tooth enamel and aging your teeth prematurely. This technique also doesn’t effectively clean your teeth, as you’re missing the spaces in between your teeth where food particles lie. Instead, use a circular motion when brushing, and make sure your bristles are working the spaces between your teeth.

Don’t Forget Your Tongue

Your tongue is a breeding ground for bacteria, which causes tooth decay and bad breath. Make brushing your tongue part of your teeth brushing regimen to remove harmful bacteria.


Besides brushing, regular flossing promotes a healthy mouth by removing bacteria that lives in between your teeth. The recommended flossing technique is to slide a piece of floss between your teeth and wrap it around your tooth in a “C” shape, following by flossing up and down.

To learn more about proper brushing technique, we welcome the opportunity to meet with you. To schedule an appointment, please contact Scott T. LeSueur, DDS & Charles A Dodaro, DDS online or by calling our Mesa office at (480) 834-6991 today. We serve Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, and all surrounding Arizona communities.

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Drs of Smiles

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