How Seasonal Allergies Can Impact Your Oral Health
- Pain in a tooth. While you might think that pain in your tooth is a sign of a cavity or infection, this is not always the case. Patients with full and inflamed sinuses may also find that they sense discomfort and sensitivity in the upper molars. This is because the sinus cavities are located directly above them, and when full with pressure, they can push on the roots of the upper molars and cause pain.
- Dry mouth. When your nose is stuffed up from allergies, you have no choice but to breathe through the mouth. However, this can contribute to severe dryness. This can also happen due to antihistamines, a medication often used to address the symptoms of seasonal allergies, which often cause dry mouth as well.
- Bad breath. When the mouth is dry, and you have post-nasal drip, you may have an irritated through and bad breath. This is normal when experiencing seasonal allergies but can be bothersome to many.
What Can I Do During Allergy Season To Reduce the Effects on My Mouth?
- Treat your allergies with medication. If you find yourself still struggling with dry mouth, consider switching medications if this becomes problematic for you.
- Brush and floss. Continue brushing and flossing, and be sure to throw away your toothbrush after your allergies have dissipated to avoid reinfection.
- Gargle with salt water. Gargling with salt water can reduce sinus pressure and allow you to breathe freely from your nose if congestion is a primary concern.
- Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water to wash away bacteria and avoid dryness in the throat and nasal cavities.
Schedule an Appointment Today
Our team has many years of combined experience in helping patients with a wide range of dental concerns. If you live in the area of Mesa, AZ, and are due for a cleaning and evaluation, call our office today at 480-834-6991 to request an appointment.