How To Protect Your Dental Crowns From Damage

beautiful woman in blue cloth show white toothy smile A dental crown is an investment in protecting your smile from damage. If you have had a dental crown placed by the team at Drs of Smiles Gentle Family Dentistry in Mesa, AZ, and want to find out how to care for your crowns, connect with Drs. Glenn LeSueur, and Charles Dodaro today!

What are dental crowns?

Dental crowns are restorations placed over a natural tooth to strengthen and protect the remaining structure. There are several situations that may arise in which you may consider a restorative dental crown. This includes:

  • Coverage of a natural tooth after a large filling has been placed
  • Coverage of a natural tooth after root canal therapy
  • Protecting a tooth with a significant crack or chip
  • Placement over the abutment of a dental implant to replace a tooth
  • Fusing one or two crowns to a false tooth to create a dental bridge

How do I protect my crown from damage?

While the dental crown is designed to protect the natural tooth from damage, the crown itself can also become damaged due to trauma or injury. This includes eating foods that are sticky or hard. Some of the foods to avoid to reduce the risk of damage to the dental crown–and the remaining tooth structure underneath–include:

  • Hard and crunchy foods. Think crusty bread, pretzels, and ice cubes.
  • Fruits and vegetables. Some raw fruits and vegetables such as apples and carry can be tough on restorations such as a dental crown. Consider cooking or steaming them to soften them and make them safer to eat.
  • Popcorn. Not only are popcorn kernels hard and crunchy, making them culprits for damage, but they also get stuck between the teeth and cause swelling or pain in the gum tissues if you cannot successfully remove them.

In addition to being very mindful of the foods you eat, you should also take time to visit our dental team on a regular basis for cleanings and evaluations. These appointments allow us the opportunity to monitor the health and structure of your dental crown and advise you when it might need replacement.

Call to schedule a visit today!

Call Drs of Smiles Gentle Family Dentistry of Mesa, AZ, today at 480-834-6991 to request a consultation appointment with our dentists to find out more about dental crown placement and care!

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