How Often Should You Have A Dental Cleaning?

dental cleaning Been a while since you’ve been to the dentist? Not only does your dentist help keep your health in check, they can also help you keep your mouth clean! You probably already know that you should go to the dentist, but may wonder how often that visit should be? You floss and brush daily. Do you still need to go? What about if you don’t feel any pain in your teeth or gums? We can all understand that dental visits are necessary, but what about dental cleanings? If you’re wondering about dental cleanings then keep reading!

The Necessity Of Dental Cleanings 

You might think that dental cleanings are the nice aspect of going to the dentist’s. The reward for making your routine dental visit. However, dental cleanings can help maintain the health of your gums and teeth. These cleanings can be pivotal in removing plaque and tartar buildup that would otherwise be unattended by your typical oral health routine. Without these cleanings there wouldn’t be the typical oral health defense against oral issues such as gum disease and tooth decay.

The Frequency Of Dental Cleanings

It depends! For some, going about dental cleanings with the typical recommended annual dentist visit. However, some patients may have oral health issues that increase those visits to a few times a year. Depending on the issues you face and your own needs, that will inform the frequency of your dental cleanings. However, you won’t know until you visit your dentist and consult with them!

General guidelines say; however, that most people should have two dental cleanings in a year six months apart. But once again, consult with your dentist to determine your needs.

Ready To Clean House With A Clean Mouth? 

If you haven’t had a dental cleaning in a while and are due, then make sure to come into Drs Of Smiles Gentle Family Dentistry! Remember, once you receive your dental cleaning, it’s important to maintain a dental health routine. If you’re unsure what a proper dental health routine looks like, give us a call at 480-834-6991!

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