During the the Halloween season, its hard not to get caught up in buying those tasty treats that are on full display at your local grocery store. Rest assured, you can indulge while also maintaining your dental health this Halloween with these smart tips.
Don’t buy any candy yet
If you don’t stock up on candy throughout the month of October, you won’t be tempted to eat it during the entire month. Halloween is on the last day of October so wait to buy candy the week of.
Buy small
Candy comes in all shapes and sizes. Even though the “fun size” may not seem that fun to kids since they are getting less, it will go a long way in helping you and your family consume less calories.
Don’t buy just candy
When you’re selecting your Halloween candy, try throwing in some different options like sugar free gum, tattoos, small toys, or stickers. Younger children get particularly excited about these small gifts. Also, glow sticks are always a major hit with any age range. Plus, kids can use these to trick or treat with as they walk the neighborhood! Fruit wraps, crayons, and bubbles are also fun items to give out at your door on Halloween night.
Have a plan
Before your kids haul out the door for their night of trick or treating, decide beforehand how much candy they can eat when they return home. Have them select their special treats for that night, then store the rest for later.
Be prepared
Before the night of trick or treating, fuel yourself and your kids with a protein and fiber rich meal that will provide energy and satiety. Cheese, nuts, hummus, chili, and whole grain bread are just a few of the great options available for a quick and simple dinner.
Arrange your next appointment
If it has been a while since your last teeth cleaning, call Drs of Smiles today. You can contact our office in Mesa, Arizona at (480) 834-6991.