Sedation dentistry is one of the most effective ways to address dental phobia and anxiety, but it is not exclusively reserved for nervous patients. In fact, the safe and effective methods of sedation used by our Mesa dentists can be useful under a number of circumstances. The best way to determine if sedation can help make your dental experience more pleasant is through a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Scott LeSueur.
Our dentists may recommend sedation dentistry if you:
- Have sensitive teeth
- Have a difficult time getting numb
- Have an overactive gag reflex
- Suffer from TMJ
- Require a longer treatment period
- Have a strong aversion to needles or dental instruments
In fact, if there is any part of your treatment that could cause you discomfort, sedation dentistry may be a great option. This is something we would be happy to discuss during your next appointment.
If you would like to learn more about the benefits of sedation dentistry, please contact Scott LeSueur, DDS & Charles Dodaro, DDS online or by calling (480) 834-6991 to schedule a consultation today. Based in Mesa, our dentists welcome patients from Phoenix, Tempe, Scottsdale, and surrounding areas of Arizona.